Friday, July 1, 2011

When The Masses Rise....

I have recently seen many examples of "protesting" in my life. Or, at least the people call it protesting. However, protesting may not be the appropriate word depending on the situation. The things I have seen can better be described as throwing a fit or rebellion. When students all over Texas walked out of school because they were angry about their teachers being fired was just stupid. This was stupid for a few reasons: 1) there was nothing the teachers or school board could do about the problem 2) more than half of those students didn't care what they were doing, they found the opportunity to cause trouble and took it. The world is full of idiots, ignorance, and laziness. When there is an opportunity to cause problems that can be called as freedom of speech, those people will usually take it. Even though there are some people who actually care about the situation at hand, they should learn to show how they feel the right way! I know that banned together, we can accomplish anything. Well, get together with the right people who actually know what is going on and who care about it.

1 comment:

Monk321 said...

You are a rebel against stupid and meaningless anarchy.