Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Idea Of A Birthday

When we are younger, say 5 to 10 years old, our birthday is a very special moment. We are counting down they days until the big day and we make a list of things we want. When we are a little older, lets say teen-agers, we are of corse exited about our birthday but we are also sort of neutral on the celebration. Unless of corse you are one of those people who had been planning their sweet 16 since they could write their ABC's. But for the most part, we are pretty calm about the subject. And then there is the time when you are, eh, several years older than 29. By that time, you either don't care about your birthday, forgot, or are hoping everyone else will forget. Well, atlas that is what I have scene. Of corse, this is very stereotypical. I am just asserting what interests me.
So, why is this distinction of interests so fascinating? When you are little, you cant wait until you are one year older. When you are older, you are exited but you are pretty neutral on the idea. And when you are much older, often you would rather not celebrate. Is it because you are becoming another year older? Maybe. Is it because you are spending time with friends and family? Possibly. Is it because you are usually getting stuff you want? Sure. Birthdays are a great thing, and the celebration should be spent with friends and family. No matter what the age.

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