Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Glorious Arena

In my freshmen year of high school, I was told about this thing called Comedy Sportz High School League. This intrigued me. I ended up trying out and I have been on the team for the past three years. Comedy Sportz is a team of actletes who compete in improvisational games for an audience. It is a beautiful thing. I instantly fell in love with it. And many other people who have tried out for the team and seen the shows would agree with me.
Although I do love the fun and groove of the sport, one of the main things I love is the team-like atmosphere. From the very beginning, the big idea of the game is to have your team's back. You watch what the other players are doing and you back them up. And because of this cooperation, the sport is lots of fun for everyone; the players and the audience.
Just recently, Comedy Sports High School League had their big city wide tournament. There were lots of teams and lots and lots of players present. Right before the show, when we warm up, there is usually only about twenty players maximum warming up. At the tournament, everyone is in a circle getting ready for the show. And seeing everyone huddle and get ready to go out and put on a great show just made me grin from ear to ear. This enormous team that I was a part of just made me feel glad to be a participant.
So I guess the main idea is, no matter who you are or what you do, you gotta have a team. That team has to be people you trust and depend on. And there is always a team for you.