Friday, April 16, 2010

The sucks!!!!!

We have all heard it, and we have all feared it. Well, I really want to burn it, but I am not gonna get into my therapy seccions at the moment. I am talking about the TAKS!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!! IT IS THE DUMBEST IDEA IN THE HISTORY OF BAD IDEAS!!!! I am not trying to quote Jarasic Park. The reason the TAKS is so dumb is because...well...I highly doubt that I need to explain. Many of you other people out there can give me your reasons. The reasin I hate the TAKS so much is because I have never passed the math test on the first try. I have either failed or had to go to summer school. Let me tell you, going to summer school instead of hanging out in the library is not fun at all. I think that they should have seprate tests at the end of every 6 weeks and put them all togeather to make up the one test. AM I RIGHT!!?? I think that I am Mosis. I was sent by God tho deliver the children of America. I will go to the loser incharge of the whole dang organization and say "LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!!!" I think it is true, I found it in hyrogliphics.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


One of the many things I, unfortunatley, know is that I live in a freakish time with a freakish economy. Our dad gum president is trying to run the people of America's lives. IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!!! It really angers me that Obama is completely ignoring our constitution. I think that if the guys that wrote the constitution came to our time, they would probably say,"What happined? We left you a list of instructions!" I culdn't agree with the forefathers in my brain more! Also, lots of people think that the government should pay fore our healthcare. Well...........NO!!!! This is not just a nice jesture people! This is not your friend paying for you coffee when you are short a fiew cents! NONONONONO!!!!!!!!! When someone controls how the doctors take care of you, they control, well, the rest! Ugh. Sometimes, I wish I was 3 again; when all I had to worry about was toy I was getting in my happy meal.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

books: yea, I'm a freak

When it is raining outside and there is nothing to watch on TV, what do you do? Well, you go play outside in the rain but that is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is books. They are AWESOME!!!!!! There are few things I hate more than sitting around watching TV all day. I would die if I had to work in a movie store, but put me in a library and I will love it!!!!! Ok, I am kidding about the movie store thing but I am not kidding about the library thing. Call me crazy but I love books!!!! A lot of kids my age hate reading. I on the other hand love it!! I blame my dad. I must say that I am more into fiction than I am non fiction. The story just gets me better. I guess that's why I want to be an author. When I grow up, and have kids, we will own a maximum of 2 video games (one console) and a minimum of 1,000 books. My poor children. :) Anyway, in conclusion, I FREAKING LOVE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where "Freak" is a complement

In sixth grade, I was sort of a loaner. I mean, I didn't sit in a corner, running away from everyone who said "hi". I had friends, I just wasn't as outgoing. When I reached seventh grade, I got into theater. I am not completely sure what it was, but something just clicked. I was still not as outgoing, but I was improving. I was freaky! Then came eighth grade; my last year of middle school. I was much more out there. I may have had a hard day at the beginning, but I always had theater at the end of the day. I had a lot more friends and I was , strangely, beginning to care less if I looked like an idiot in public. I know that is random but it is true! I knew that I would always take theater as long as I was in school. I was looking forward to going into high school with my friends. When I had to move,I was still gonna take theater.
My freshmen year has been my best year ever! I have new friends and I am LOVING my new theater department. Every one in this theater department has to be a freak to some extent. And I LOVE it!!!!!!! I know that I will be getting involved in theater than anything else. It has really helped me to become more social and outgoing. It has also helped me discover that I love playwright. Everyone has their occupation, mine is Theater.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When the Otts "relocated"

Ok, in the summer of 2009, my dad told us that we were all gonna move to Houston. So for about 3 weeks, we were all preparing for our move.I was constantly reminding myself not to panic. Just kidding. :) Anyway, we packed for about 3 weeks and did some much needed cleaning. Every one was sad when we had to give Madison, one of our dogs, away. We kept our other dog, Nyute.
Anyway, my room was slowly becoming a storage unit; the game room was empty (we had gotten rid of our phoose ball and air hockey table); and the garage was becoming hard to access. I had to tell my friends I was moving, that was hard. Eventually, the big day came. The boys and I ended up sleeping on the floor the night before, and boy were we T-I-A-R-D. You know what that spells; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Well Nyute was an exited wreck and I was still half asleep. Dad got to drive the big truck, ofcorse. I stayed with mom and the dog in the small car most of the time. When we got to the house, I found out that it was defiantly smaller than the old house, but it was a pretty good size.
After about a month, we had friends at church, I had friends at my new high school, and Dad had volunteered at the fire station. We learned pretty quickly the concept of 'adapt or die.' Of course I miss Dallas, but I have learned to like Houston. Despite the murderous humidity, I like it here. People all over Houston will soon know the Ott effect.