Tuesday, March 16, 2010

books: yea, I'm a freak

When it is raining outside and there is nothing to watch on TV, what do you do? Well, you go play outside in the rain but that is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is books. They are AWESOME!!!!!! There are few things I hate more than sitting around watching TV all day. I would die if I had to work in a movie store, but put me in a library and I will love it!!!!! Ok, I am kidding about the movie store thing but I am not kidding about the library thing. Call me crazy but I love books!!!! A lot of kids my age hate reading. I on the other hand love it!! I blame my dad. I must say that I am more into fiction than I am non fiction. The story just gets me better. I guess that's why I want to be an author. When I grow up, and have kids, we will own a maximum of 2 video games (one console) and a minimum of 1,000 books. My poor children. :) Anyway, in conclusion, I FREAKING LOVE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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