Friday, June 29, 2012

Here Lies: The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave

Today, June 28, 2012, the supreme court declared Obama Care constitutional. Yes. Sad isn't it? In fact, it is down right depressing. I have to say, I never thought that I would one day be living in the world of Star Wars where the Empire is in charge and the Sith rule over us. I never thought that i would live in a society where the leadership at the time would say that something was right even though everyone  KNOWS it is wrong!!! It is worthy of a thousand face palms. Historians will look back on this day and explain it as the day that the U.S. began it's journey to the country that once was. And it is true. The United States is slowly evaporating into the thin air of has- beens. I know that sounds harsh but there is no other way of putting it. I love my country, but it is dying. Now, because of this lawless act that has been passed, there is no limit to what the Sith can tell us to do. Now they have total and complete control over us. And not just because Obama Care has been passed, because the Constitution no longer applies to us, apparently. The politicians are finally learning how to turn their heads and look the other way or at least look at you and say, "wait, what's that? I cant hear you over the sound of me ignoring you!!" The country is finally beginning to crumble at the hands of the Emperor. And what is worse, the very laws that have held our nation together are being cast aside as if they weren't even there. To these people, the country can not live unless they got their hands in everything. They are Sith. Up until this point, it seemed to me that the talk of the U.S. really beginning to chip away sounded like a rumor or a body- less voice that traveled around groups of people. Now I am finally starting to see, that the morals and necessities of the people are no longer part of the question.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Glorious Arena

In my freshmen year of high school, I was told about this thing called Comedy Sportz High School League. This intrigued me. I ended up trying out and I have been on the team for the past three years. Comedy Sportz is a team of actletes who compete in improvisational games for an audience. It is a beautiful thing. I instantly fell in love with it. And many other people who have tried out for the team and seen the shows would agree with me.
Although I do love the fun and groove of the sport, one of the main things I love is the team-like atmosphere. From the very beginning, the big idea of the game is to have your team's back. You watch what the other players are doing and you back them up. And because of this cooperation, the sport is lots of fun for everyone; the players and the audience.
Just recently, Comedy Sports High School League had their big city wide tournament. There were lots of teams and lots and lots of players present. Right before the show, when we warm up, there is usually only about twenty players maximum warming up. At the tournament, everyone is in a circle getting ready for the show. And seeing everyone huddle and get ready to go out and put on a great show just made me grin from ear to ear. This enormous team that I was a part of just made me feel glad to be a participant.
So I guess the main idea is, no matter who you are or what you do, you gotta have a team. That team has to be people you trust and depend on. And there is always a team for you.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Disturbing The Order Of Things

It has been a recently sprouting issue that is causing major anger from both sides. While the pro people see "gender neutrality" as an obvious yes, the rest of the respectable people in the world are making a, "dude....seriously?" face. The idea that we as humans have a right to choose what gender we are is absolute idiocy. posted a story on this very topic. In the article Parents Keep Child's Gender a Secret, the parents say that they wanted their child to have the freedom to choose their gender. did a similar story. In the article Sweden's New Gender Neutral Pronoun: Hen, Sweden discusses making it's society "gender neutral". Like before, they want the children and adults to have the freedom to choose.
Alright, let me break this down one piece at a time. Firstly, both science and the bible (whether you believe one or the other is right or they work hand in hand doesn't change this) says that boy and girl, man and woman, male and female are meant to continue life. Neither you, nor I have any ability to change or alter that fact. That is haw it has always been and that is how it always will be!! Men and women are two very different creatures even though we are both human. You cannot just "create" a new breed of people who somehow choose what they want to be by not acknowledging their gender. It just..... DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! And it can't work that way!
Secondly, the "protest" against genders as if it were some sort of program thrust upon by the government, is a protest that will most likely have the same results as a protest against dirt. Seriously. I mean, this is just basic biology that has been around since the dawn of time!!! There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it! People! Please! And while some people may say, "it ain't fair that my child has to be segregated like that. We deserve to be free and I just want my baby to grow up to be anything they want."
(Face Palm)
The issues of freedom are the rights of people, male or female. Men and women are not the same and not telling a child what they are because you want them to have a choice is, believe it or not, lying. It is a cruel and disrespectful thing to do. Someone my be trying to help their child or their community by not acknowledging genders, but the reality is that they are just disturbing the order of things.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Spy a Consirvative

Today, I wanted to go book shopping. I only had a little bit of money with me but I wanted to see if I could find any cheap books that would catch my eye. I dragged Elijah, my youngest brother, to the books tore not far from our house. After about an hour or two of looking, I didn't find anything good so I decided that we would go to the Goodwill across the street to look at their selection of used books. Right away I found a copy of Ann Coulter's Treason. For those of you who do not know of Ann Coulter, she is an extremely Conservative, political, writer. She has a few other books such as Demonic, Godless, and a few others that you are free to Google.
My dad, being a big Conservative and wanting me to be one as well, has had me read one of her books and has helped me get hooked on her ideas and political views. So when I saw the book, I grabbed it. However, I wasn't too sure if I was going to buy it. I had already spent a little money earlier and I didn't have much left with me. I was asking Elijah if I should get it and we were going back and fourth in that sort of "should I get it?" "I don't know. If you want to." "I don't think I am gonna get it.""Ok then." "Wait. I don't know. Should I get it?" kind of way. I was on the verge of putting it back and waiting to get it another day when a man suddenly came up and started taking to us.
"Excuse me," he said, "would you like to get that book?"
Obviously, before he got to the words "that book", my first thought was that he wanted to sell the two kids in the middle of Goodwill some "unique merchandise". But once I heard what he asked, I was caught off guard. I just told him that I was thinking about it but I was probably gonna put it back. The next thing that he said surprised me even more.
"Well," he said again, "if you would like to get that book, I will give the lady at the counter the money and when you are ready you just tell her and you can go ahead and have that book. I will pay for it right now."
"You don't have to do that," I said.
"Well I didn't say I had to, did I?" he responded.
He promptly went to the front of the store with the money for the book in hand. Elijah immediately gave me a look and said, "don't get the book." I partly agreed with him and just decided to get the book with my own money. Just trying to play it safe. But it was only a few minuets later that the man came back with the receipt and a bag for me. Again, the further gesture surprised me.
"Now I want you to read that book good," he said, "and not get any ideas from the other side."
I couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little. The next thing I said to him I truly did mean.
"God bless you," I said.
"God bless," he said back.
This was, indeed, the interesting thing of the day. After the man had left, I saw the conversation between Elijah and I from his point of view. I wondered what he thought when he saw this teenage girl talking to her brother about whither or not to buy this book by a flaming Conservative. I am not too sure that people see that often. I wonder if he saw the next generation of voters before him and thought that he would make a contribution to our future views. I am not sure. But I know that I am thankful. I guess that Conservatives know a Conservative when they see one.