Sunday, April 15, 2012

Disturbing The Order Of Things

It has been a recently sprouting issue that is causing major anger from both sides. While the pro people see "gender neutrality" as an obvious yes, the rest of the respectable people in the world are making a, "dude....seriously?" face. The idea that we as humans have a right to choose what gender we are is absolute idiocy. posted a story on this very topic. In the article Parents Keep Child's Gender a Secret, the parents say that they wanted their child to have the freedom to choose their gender. did a similar story. In the article Sweden's New Gender Neutral Pronoun: Hen, Sweden discusses making it's society "gender neutral". Like before, they want the children and adults to have the freedom to choose.
Alright, let me break this down one piece at a time. Firstly, both science and the bible (whether you believe one or the other is right or they work hand in hand doesn't change this) says that boy and girl, man and woman, male and female are meant to continue life. Neither you, nor I have any ability to change or alter that fact. That is haw it has always been and that is how it always will be!! Men and women are two very different creatures even though we are both human. You cannot just "create" a new breed of people who somehow choose what they want to be by not acknowledging their gender. It just..... DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! And it can't work that way!
Secondly, the "protest" against genders as if it were some sort of program thrust upon by the government, is a protest that will most likely have the same results as a protest against dirt. Seriously. I mean, this is just basic biology that has been around since the dawn of time!!! There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it! People! Please! And while some people may say, "it ain't fair that my child has to be segregated like that. We deserve to be free and I just want my baby to grow up to be anything they want."
(Face Palm)
The issues of freedom are the rights of people, male or female. Men and women are not the same and not telling a child what they are because you want them to have a choice is, believe it or not, lying. It is a cruel and disrespectful thing to do. Someone my be trying to help their child or their community by not acknowledging genders, but the reality is that they are just disturbing the order of things.

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