Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where "Freak" is a complement

In sixth grade, I was sort of a loaner. I mean, I didn't sit in a corner, running away from everyone who said "hi". I had friends, I just wasn't as outgoing. When I reached seventh grade, I got into theater. I am not completely sure what it was, but something just clicked. I was still not as outgoing, but I was improving. I was freaky! Then came eighth grade; my last year of middle school. I was much more out there. I may have had a hard day at the beginning, but I always had theater at the end of the day. I had a lot more friends and I was , strangely, beginning to care less if I looked like an idiot in public. I know that is random but it is true! I knew that I would always take theater as long as I was in school. I was looking forward to going into high school with my friends. When I had to move,I was still gonna take theater.
My freshmen year has been my best year ever! I have new friends and I am LOVING my new theater department. Every one in this theater department has to be a freak to some extent. And I LOVE it!!!!!!! I know that I will be getting involved in theater than anything else. It has really helped me to become more social and outgoing. It has also helped me discover that I love playwright. Everyone has their occupation, mine is Theater.